The current phase of the project comes to completion on Wednesday 20 September with the walk back from the Museum of Bath at Work to the former Workhouse and its Burial Ground. We will complete the last section of the 1856 route as we cross the golf course and make our way through the University of Bath car parks. A route littered with ironies!
This is an all day walk starting with a 10.00 briefing at the Museum of Bath at Work. Join us at 16.30 or 18.00 at the Burial Ground on Wellsway
We aim to be at the Burial Ground around 16.30, here we will invent for ourselves a short paying of respects to those who died in poverty and whose bodies were disposed of in this field on the edge of the enchanted city. An opportunity to share thoughts and creative responses regarding the space itself and on the themes of poverty, respect, memory. All welcome for this moment. This will complete the cycle of walks exploring Winkworth's 1856 circuit of the parishes with the boys from the workhouse
At 18.00 at the Burial Ground, the next phase begins. John Payne and I invite all those who would like pay their respects and acknowledge those whose lives ended in poverty and are represented at this Burial Ground . We are calling out to those who may be interested in taking this project forward to join us beginning a process that will develop the research on the Workhouse and see some kind of creative memorialisation at the Workhouse Burial Ground. Perhaps we'll do some more of Mr Winkworth's walks and discover more about the other stories of Bath. If you cant make it and would like to be involved in this, please contact me. Estimated timings for those who might want to connect with us enroute 14.00 Top of Widcombe Hill entrance to NT Rainbow Woods opposite Copseland 15.00 in Combe Down junction of Belmont Road and Summer Lane..we will be walking along Shepherds Walk 16.00 We will leave Sainsbury's cafe to walk through the Workhouse site and round to the Burial Ground Here is the route we will take
You can of course follow online via Twitter (@walknowlive) and see Tools section of the site, using Viewranger or Social Hiking you can see the progress of the walk live.
A project in three phases: it begins with a challenge, memories and a line. Resonances.
The line of a Nazi Death March to Belsen transposed to Somerset. A walk about time and the land, exile and belonging, the drift of memory and forgetting, memorialising in an era dense with anniversaries. April 14-15 2015: A 2 day walk as close as possible to that line. Where the walk intersects the line, interventions. An intimate performative walk-in-witness exploring resonances from the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belsen. July 13-19 An exhibition of documentation of documentation and new work at 44AD Gallery, Bath BA1 1NN February 2016: A performative walk-in-witness on the original death march route from slave labour camp to Belsen. 71 years later. Interventions. Resonances. The first phase is done and we gather our thoughts: First day of walking social media trails, more starting points, glimpses:
and via Social Hiking bringing on tweets from some other walkers:
December 2024